“Lal Salaam” is a movie full of big dreams and mess. It tells a story about cricket, festivals, religion, and politics. The movie wants to share a rich and deep story. But, it gets too caught up in drama and a confusing story, making it hard for people to follow. Also, the way a Muslim character is shown by the actor doesn’t seem to win over the majority Hindu audience.
Rajinikanth, a big star, has a special role that adds some excitement. He plays a Muslim character and does it with a lot of charm, but even he can’t make the story clear. The movie tries to show Tamil culture deeply, but this makes it hard for Telugu viewers to connect, turning what could have been a movie that brings people together into a tough watch.
Different newspapers and websites have mixed feelings about the movie. The Times of India and people on Twitter share similar thoughts. Hindustan Times talks about Aishwarya, the main actress, like she’s making a great comeback. Jagran and OneIndia also follow Twitter’s lead, showing that people are divided over the movie. The website m9.news and moviecrow.com give it low ratings, saying the movie struggles to stand firm. IMDb gives it a 7.4 out of 10.
“Lal Salaam” tries to be a movie about coming together and celebrating differences. But, it doesn’t manage well, getting lost in its own complexity. Some cricket fans might like it, but it doesn’t look like it will stay in theaters for long.
FINAL VERDICT: 2.9-3.5/5