New Delhi: In a scathing attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal has alleged that the national capital has been turned into a garbage dump. Expressing her strong displeasure over the deteriorating sanitation situation in the city, Maliwal criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government for its inaction and urged Kejriwal to take immediate measures to address the crisis.
Maliwal, a former chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), accused the government of failing to manage waste disposal effectively. “There is garbage everywhere. People are facing a lot of problems. The garbage is accumulating in the sewage, on the roads, and outside people’s homes. No one is doing anything to tackle this problem,” she stated.
In a symbolic protest against the Delhi government’s negligence, Maliwal and her supporters dumped garbage outside Kejriwal’s residence to convey the distress of the city’s residents. “We did this so that he [Kejriwal] can experience how the people of Delhi are suffering. Maybe this will open his eyes, and he will start working for the people,” she remarked.
Her protest, however, has led to legal consequences, with an FIR reportedly being filed against her. Unfazed by the action, Maliwal asserted her commitment to the people’s welfare, declaring, “I work only for the benefit of the people of Delhi. I am not afraid of his goons or the police. Even if an FIR is lodged against me, I will continue to fight for the citizens.”
This development comes amid growing concerns over Delhi’s waste management system. The city has been struggling with garbage disposal issues for years, with overflowing landfill sites and inadequate waste segregation practices contributing to the worsening situation.
The political rift between Swati Maliwal and Arvind Kejriwal is further deepening, with this latest incident adding fuel to the tensions within AAP. While Kejriwal has yet to respond to Maliwal’s allegations, the incident has sparked a fresh debate over the governance and administration of Delhi’s civic issues.
As the controversy unfolds, Delhiites continue to demand urgent action to address the waste management crisis, hoping that their concerns will be prioritized by the government.